sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install vagrant
vagrant --version
vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64 my-vm-name --auto-install
这将在当前目录下创建一个名为my-vm-name的新虚拟机,并自动安装Ubuntu 16.04系统。--auto-install选项表示自动安装软件包。
Vagrant支持多种主机管理方式,如Bourne Shell(sh)脚本、Ruby和Python代码等,我们可以通过以下命令查看可用的主机管理方式:
vagrant host list
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-hostsupdater --plugin-version 0.7.0
Vagrant允许我们为虚拟机设置资源限制,例如CPU核数、内存大小等,我们可以在Vagrantfile中通过config块来配置这些参数: "ubuntu/trusty64" do |box| box.provider "virtualbox" do |vb| vb.memory = "1024" # MB to MB conversion factor is 1024 * 1024 = 1GB vb.cpus = 2 # virtual CPU cores (not actual CPU cores) per VM instance end end
Vagrant可以自动为虚拟机分配一个私有IP地址,并配置网络接口,我们还可以通过config块来自定义网络设置: "private_network", ip: "" do |v| v.autostart = true # enable the private network interface by default when the VM starts up end
config.vm.synced_folder "data", "/mnt/data", create: true, mode: "0755" # mount a shared folder on the guest OS as a directory within the guest filesystem at "/mnt/data" with permissions of 0755 for the user running the Vagrantfile and the guest OS user account (default is root) on the guest OS itself (default is no user account). The create option specifies that this folder should be created if it does not already exist on the guest OS file system. The mode option sets the permission bits for the directory within the guest filesystem at "/mnt/data" (default is no user account). The default value for mode is "0755" which means that the directory can be read and written by the user running the Vagrantfile and the guest OS user account on the guest OS itself (default is no user account). If you specify an existing directory on the guest OS file system that already exists in your project directory or elsewhere on your host machine, then you must use an absolute path to ensure that the directory is synced correctly between the two locations. For example, you could use "C:/Users/username/Documents/data" instead of "data", but this will not work if you have already mounted a shared folder named "data" on the guest OS at "/mnt/data" because both paths point to the same location on your host machine. In this case, you would need to use a different name for the shared folder or use an absolute path that points to a unique location on your host machine where you want to store the data for this particular project. The default value for create is false which means that if the directory does not already exist on the guest OS file system then it will not be created automatically when you run the provisioner command specified in the provisioning block of your Vagrantfile (e.g. "vagrant up"). You can change this default behavior by setting create to true when you define your synced_folder configuration option inside your Vagrantfile (e.g. "config.vm.synced_folder "data\", \"/mnt/data\", create: true"). This will cause Vagrant to automatically create the directory if it does not already exist on the guest OS file system when you run the provisioner command specified in your provisioning block of your Vagrantfile (e.t "vagrant up"). The default value for mode is "0755" which means that the directory can be read and written by the user running the Vagrantfile and the guest OS user account on the guest OS itself (default is no user account). If you specify an existing directory on the guest OS file system that already exists in your project directory or elsewhere on your host machine, then you must use an absolute path to ensure that the directory is synced correctly between the two locations. For example, you could use "C:/Users/username/Documents/data" instead of "data", but this will not work if you have already mounted a shared folder named "data" on the guest OS at "/mnt/data" because both paths point to the same location on your host machine. In this case, you would need to use a different name for the shared folder or use an absolute path that points to a unique location on your host machine where you want to store the data for this particular project. The default value for create is false which means that if the directory does not already exist on the guest OS file system then it will not be created automatically when you run the provisioner command specified in the provisioning block of your Vagrantfile (e.g. "vagrant up"). You can change this default behavior by setting create to true when you define your synced_folder configuration option inside your Vagrantfile (e.g. "config.vm.synced_folder \"data\", \"/mnt/data\", create: true"). This will cause Vagrant to automatically create the directory if it does not already exist on the guest OS file system when you run the provisioner command specified in your provisioning block of your Vagrantfile (e.t "vagrant up"). The default value for mode is "0755" which means that the directory can be read and written by the user running