在当今敏捷开发的时代,持续集成(Continuous Integration,简称CI)已经成为了软件开发过程中不可或缺的一环,它可以帮助开发者在短时间内将代码集成到主干分支,从而提高开发效率和软件质量,而CircleCI作为业界知名的持续集成工具,凭借其强大的功能和丰富的生态系统,已经成为了许多开发者的首选,本文将详细介绍CircleCI的基本概念、安装与配置、使用以及与其他持续集成工具的对比,帮助你更好地理解和应用这一技术。
CircleCI是一个基于云的服务,提供了一套完整的持续集成和持续部署(Continuous Delivery,简称CD)解决方案,它支持多种编程语言和框架,如Java、JavaScript、Python、Ruby、Go等,并提供了丰富的插件生态,可以方便地与其他工具进行集成,CircleCI的核心功能包括代码托管、构建、测试、部署等,可以帮助开发者实现快速迭代和高质量交付。
你需要访问CircleCI官网(,注册一个账号并登录,你可以创建一个新的项目,并为其分配一个唯一的项目标识符(Project ID)。
node -v
curl -sL | sudo -E bash - sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
git clone --recursive /opt/circleci/packer_cache/circleci_cli_base
4、安装CircleCI CLI
现在我们可以安装CircleCI CLI工具:
cd /opt/circleci/packer_cache/circleci_cli_base && npm install -g circleci-cli@latest
5、配置CircleCI CLI
为了方便后续操作,我们可以为CircleCI CLI设置一个环境变量:
export CIRCLECI=true
- 在CircleCI Web界面中,点击“Add Project”按钮。
- 在弹出的对话框中,输入项目名称和描述信息。
- 点击“Add”按钮,完成项目添加。
- 在项目详情页面,点击“Add Git Repositories”按钮,选择你要使用的代码仓库类型(如GitHub、GitLab等)。
- 按照提示输入仓库地址、SSH密钥等信息,完成仓库添加。
- 点击“Save”按钮,保存项目配置。
2、创建工作流程文件(workflow file)
version: 2.0 jobs: build: # 这个job用于构建项目,你可以根据需要自定义名称和触发条件(如自动触发)等信息。 docker: # 使用Docker容器来执行构建任务,你可以根据需要选择不同的基础镜像(如node:12、python:3.8等)。 image: node:12-alpine # 这里使用了node:12-alpine作为基础镜像,你可以根据实际需求进行修改。 steps: # 这个列表包含了构建过程中的所有步骤,每个步骤都是一个字典对象,包含多个属性,你可以使用“npm install”命令来安装依赖项。 - name: Install dependencies using npm (default) and cache dependencies in the local directory for faster subsequent builds. If you use a Docker container to run your application’s build process, make sure that the container can access the same network as the CircleCI server so that it can download dependencies from our cache. You can also use the --cache-from option of the npm command line to specify other locations to search for cached packages. The --registry parameter is used to tell npm where to find the packages it needs to download (default is If you are not using a Docker container or if your application’s build process cannot access the same network as the CircleCI server, then you can set this parameter to false to disable caching altogether. This will cause npm to download all required packages from their official sources every time it runs your build process. In this example, we have disabled caching by setting this parameter to false. Note that this may result in slower builds due to increased network usage and longer download times for package files. You can also use the --no-cache option to force npm to download all required packages from their official sources every time it runs your build process without using any cached packages at all. In this case, you should set this parameter to true and add a --cache-folder option to specify a custom folder where npm should store its cache files (default is "~/.npm"). You can also use the --force flag to force npm to reinstall all installed modules even if they have been updated in the package repository since the last time they were installed (default is false). Finally, you can use the --ignore-scripts flag to prevent npm from running scripts in your project's package.json file during the build process (default is false). This can be useful if you have any scripts that should not be executed during the build process for security reasons or if you want to avoid triggering unnecessary rebuilds of your project due to changes in these scripts. In this example, we have enabled ignoring scripts by setting this flag to true. Note that this may result in unexpected behavior if any of the scripts in your project's package.json file rely on external tools or resources that are not available when npm runs them during the build process. To avoid this problem, you should carefully review and test any scripts that you plan to ignore during the build process before enabling this feature on your project. After specifying all of these options, you can add additional steps to perform various tasks such as compiling code, testing code coverage, deploying applications, etc. For more information about how to configure these steps and their properties, please refer to the CircleCI documentation at Note that you can also use variables and functions provided by CircleCI to dynamically generate values or perform complex operations based on other properties of your job or workflow file. For example, you can use the ${CIRCLE_SHA1} variable to get the commit hash of the current commit being built by your job or workflow file. You can also use functions likeif
, etc. to control the flow of your build process and handle errors or exceptions gracefully. You can also use templates and placeholders in your YAML syntax to insert values or perform complex operations based on other properties of your job or workflow file. For more information about these features and others, please refer to the CircleCI documentation at https.